Thursday 2 January 2014


31-12-2013  (DAY - 3)
Subject committee / Delegate session :
Chairperson : Com.Sk.Humayun, President (CHQ)
Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE & Com.K.Ragavendran, Former Secretary General, NFPE & General Convener, AIPRPA are on the dais.

Important Decisions: (read as preliminary information only)

= Name of the Union "ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION - POSTMEN & MSE/Gr.D" to be changed as 
= 15 Prime Resolutions passed including "Strengthening of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) in all divisions of all circles with the support & cooperation of P-IV union.
= Enhancement of quota & allocation to higher bodies (Rs.40-).
= Amendment in the designation of office bearers panel.
= Formation of Mahila Committies in all Divisions from & among post-women & women Gr.D.

Total divisions attended :  275
Total delegates attended : 494
Total visitors / observers participated : 651

The following office bearers were elected unanimously:

President :                            Com.Vikram Sha (Uttar Pradesh)
working President :            Com:Balakrishna Calke (Maharashtra)
Vice President :               (1)Com. Moinulla Huq (Assom)
                                             (2)Com.Therayya (Gujrat)
                                             (3)Com.Manoharlal (Rajasthan)
General Secretary                Com.R.Sithalakshmi (Karnataka)
Dy. General Secretary         Com.D.B.Mohanty (Odisha)
Asst. General Secretary(1) Com.P.K.Sivadasan (Kerala)
                                             (2) Com.K.Chandrasekhar (Andhra Pradesh)
                                             (3) Com.Tirumagan (Tamil Nadu)
Financial Secretary              Com.Mukul Chand Das (West Bengal)
Asst. Fin. Secretary              Com.Ramesh Dabas (Delhi)
Org. Genl. Secretary       (1) Com.Jayaram (Punjab)
                                             (2) Com. Amar Kumar Sharma (Jharkhand)
                                             (3) Com. Ranjit Kumar (Bihar)

Felicitation to Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE on the eve of Silver Jubilee Conference of P-IV All India Union.


30-12-2013 (Day - 2) :: DELEGATE SESSION

Venue : Kalavikas Kendra
Chairperson : Com.Sk.Humayun, President, CHQ
Inaugural address : Com. A.K.Padmanabhan
                                 All India President, CITU
Leaders addressed:
Com.K.Ragavendran,Former Secretary General, NFPE, General Convener, AIPRPA
Com.Girirajsingh, President, NFPE & General Secretary, R-III
Com.P.Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV
Com.S.Raghpathi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE
Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE)
Com.Milan Bhattacharya, Former President, P-IV CHQ

In the afternoon session :

Com. Neelappa, Former Circle Secretary & AGS (CHQ), Karnataka
Com.Sivagurunadhan, Veteran Leader, Tamil Nadu
were addressed in the session. 
Com.S.Karunanidhi, Former JCM (DC) Member, Tamilnadu 
Com.S.Dasu, Visakhapatnam were also present.
Reception Committee felicitated all the veteran leaders.

25th All India Conference of AIPEU PM & MSE/Gr.D - CUTTCK

25th Biennial All India Conference of AIPEU Postman&MTS/Gr.D – Cuttack (Orissa)

All India Postal Employees Union – Postman & MTS/Gr.D  25th ( Silver Jubilee)All India Conference is being held at Cuttack for three days;  29th 30th & 31st of December 2013.

A colourful and big rally was conducted along the streets of Cuttack town from GPO to the Venue of the Conference with the participation of hundreds of comrades with red flags and slogan shouting. The rally led by Com.R.N.Dhal, Com.D.B.Mohanthy, Com.R.C.Mishra, Com.N.C.Singh  with the participation of NFPE leadership, General Secretaries and many other leaders of Orissa. Many organizations of Orissa offered their floral greetings to the participants and the rally.

Open session :

At the venue, National flag hoisted by Shri Jagannath Patnaik, Chairman, Reception Committee, NFPE flag  by Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE, AIPEU flag by Com.SK.Humayun, All India President and all the invitees  Com.Basudeva Acharya, Hon’ble M.P., Com.Janardhan Pathi, CITU and all the leaders paid their homage to the martyrs column with floral tributes.

Comrades of Orissa welcomed all the Invitees, delegates with their cultural &  traditional song to the city of Cuttack for the success of this Silver Jubilee conference.
Com.D.B.Mohanty, General Secretary, Reception Committee welcomed the Chief Guests, Invitees,   Leaders, Delegates, Visitors to the session.

Com.Jagannath Patnaik , Chairman, Reception Committee made the welcome speech and invited all the participants to made the conference a grand success.

Com.Basudeva Acharya, Hon’ble Member of Parliament inaugurated the Silver Jubilee Conference by giving a valuable message on the policies of the Govt. and emphasized the significance of Postal trade union movement to safeguard the Govt Sector.

Shri S.J.Tilak De, Hon’ble Chief Postmaster General, Orissa Circle & Shri P.K.Bisoi, Postmaster General, Berhampur were attended as Chief guests for the session.

Com.Janardhan Pati, Vice President, CITU, Orissa, Com.R.N.Malik, Convener, Shramik Ekta, Orissa, Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE were addressed the session. Reception Committee honoured all the Guests & Leaders by covering shawl and presenting the AIC mementos.

Com.K.Raghavendran, Former Secretary General, NFPE & General Convener, AIPRPA, Com.I.S.Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU PM&MTS/Gr.D., Com.Girirajsing, General Secretary, R-III, Com.P.Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV, Com.Pranab Bhattacharya, General Secretary, AIPAOEU, Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.Milan Bhattacharya, Former President, P4 CHQ, Com.S.Raghupathi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE,  Com.R.Sitalakshmi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE were also present on the dais.

Com.R.N.Dhal , Working Chairman,  Reception Committee expressed heartfelt thanks and greetings to all the guests and invitees of the open session.

Leaders & Delegates Rally :